My name is Dominique Chauvet and I am 50. In France, after 6 years successfully working for Xerox American Company, I joined one of the largest Consulting Firms in Paris ( Cegos ). I was trained for 3 years to understand, integrate, and convey the most powerful methods, to change the business life of my clients. Rapidly promoted, i tasked with the largest client in the firm (Societe Generale Bank) to train their bank Directors becoming more powerful and greater leaders. I have practiced different methods of therapies, personal and spiritual development for over 15 years. I also created my own company (Colors Artes) , chaired associations " Des Vertes et des pas Mûres", "Nos Cantines Durables", "Le Patrimoine de Clécy " .
But, much more important ...
- After a divorce, I have changed my own patterns and found a wonderful husband. We are married for 17 years and have two very special and well balanced girls.
- I had a chronic sickness since my twenties that I learnt to heal and i am in remission for more than 11 years.
- After many tumultuous épisodes, I succeed to build a healthy, balanced and wise life.
And, at age 46, Life gave me an unexpected experience !
Only one month after arriving in California, while my idyllic adaptation strangely turned out into a nightmare, I had an "experience" as unexpected than sudden.
I was really not mystical and not prepared for this type of experience so it tooks me time to understand.
I had what is called a Spiritual Experience : A separation between "the Ego and the Consciousness."
This may happen spontaneously and lead to a new understanding of Life's purpose.
Now, I do not struggle anymore, I know where solutions to any suffering is : INNER US. ACTUALLY, THERE IS NO SUFFERING, NO FEAR, NO PAST AND NO FUTUR.
To share and pass this understanding, to spread the word and participate to the Global Peace I dedicate this Guidance to women, the moms, keys of harmonious families and conscious futur...