A disciple said to his Master, “Shifu, I really, really want to change my assignment!”
The Master replied : "In this world, nothing is real". *****
How can an overwhelmed mom incorporate this wise concept in her very very real life ???
As all disciples, I myself participate in volunteer services for the monastery where I study.
I usually arrive 1 hour before the meditation class and cut vegetables in small pieces :) I like it !!! Indeed, it gives me the opportunity to gradually calm down the crazy mother inner me who just dropped her kids always too late for school...
Easier to be quiet with vegetables, right??
So, I feel good and happy.
One day, right after my arrival at the monastery, a shifu (a Buddhist nun) called me...
...and asked to go back to the town to pick up a man coming to study and waiting for somebody at the Bart station.
Oh NO.... no the car again (!!!)
But I went anyway, a bit disappointed… traffic jams and "small talk" do not really portray mindfulness for me :(
When I came back, I advised them (him and shifu) to plan something weekly with the other students of his class. **** The week after, right after my arrival, on the way to my favorite quiet kitchen, the shifu asked me exactly the same thing: “to go back from where I arrived and pick the same man”.
The same BIG NO DESIRE emerged and I started to explain the illogical situation … but as no other solution could be found, I had to go, again. (foolishly upset this time)
The following week, because I am a very organized woman, I called the monastery and asked if I needed to go to the Bart before arriving to the monastery.
The shifu told me she had no news from this man but I could wait over there, to see….just in case….
I am not a “Waiting-to see-just in case” type of person …. And so, i went directly to the monastery. Confident and proud.
Right after my arrival, the shifu told me, the man just called and needed somebody to pick him up. :( I said NO and even started arguing with the eternal smiling shifu…
In the meantime, I was seeing me talking that way in the monastery and felt both ashamed of myself and angry towards the other, I suddenly stopped, gave up and left quickly to pick the man up…again.
On my way to the Bart, in my car, I had to deal with the hardness of my heart and the willingness to practice Peace and Compassion. An inner war !!
I was looking into myself, trying to calm down my anger … So tough to do but I also enjoyed the practice to overcome this difficulty: "Will I be able to calm me down right now and to welcome this man with kindness???"
I did…. as if “it was not me” and even, I did not try to explain how to get organized (that was not the point anymore, was it??)
As a master said in response of a disciple who did “really really want to change his services… as me” : “In this world, nothing is real.”
Indeed, in this world, all is what you make of it…. Nothing else.